Dr Yvette Vardy
Dr Yvette Vardy is a clinical psychologist with twenty years of experience in the treatment of people with borderline personality disorder and those with complex issues and traumatic histories. Dr Yvette Vardy uses evidence-based practices and is passionate about providing treatments that lead to recovery or clinically significant improvements, ensuring clients are left with very tangible and concrete ways to manage themselves and their symptoms differently. She has a private practice in North Fitzroy, Melbourne, Australia.
Dr Yvette Vardy has established several Dialectical Behaviour Therapy programs in Australia and been employed as a senior clinical psychologist, supervisor and team leader at a number of hospitals. Previously, as Spectrum Personality Disorders Service of Victoria’s senior education officer, Dr Vardy visited numerous services and organisations across Australia, to help clinicians learn practical skills and helpful theoretical concepts in working effectively with BPD and individuals with personality disorders. Dr Vardy has completed her Comprehensive and Intensive DBT and DBT-PE training and enjoys sharing her passion for DBT by providing DBT-specific lectures and workshops, as well as individual and group supervision to clinicians seeking DBT training and support.
Dr Vardy continues to conduct workshops and has facilitated training days on-site for a range of services including:
Spectrum Personality Disorders of Victoria
Mind Australia
On The Line telephone counselling service
ACT Health
Western Cluster Victoria
Life Without Barriers
Melbourne City Mission
Southern Health
Castlemaine Community Mental Health
Dr Vardy has given lectures on BPD at various institutions, including Monash University and Austin Hospital and for a couple of years she presented an online DBT lecture series for final year Masters of Psychology (Clinical) students at the Institute for Social Neurosciences. It was during the creation of these online lectures that Dr Vardy discovered her love for online training. She has since created many online DBT training events, appeared on podcasts and as a guest presenter for a number of organisations. After a great deal of pre-planning and consideration, she was thrilled to launch her ‘DBT Skills Online’ program during lockdown in 2020, which she runs solo as a passion project outside of her clinical work.
Dr Vardy has written a doctorate thesis investigating the intolerance of ‘aloneness’ in borderline personality disorder. In 2019, she published a peer-reviewed journal article on this work, including a new assessment measure that captures the intensity and severity of this “aloneness” experience. Both are freely available in full-text via her publication list below.