Want to understand more about Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)?
After needing to close registrations for my December event, I would like to welcome you to this new one! Priority will be given to returning individuals and those who registered previously (I apologise for the inconvenience, but please register again and re-submit your questions as this is a new webinar link). I particularly encourage existing/previous training participants to come along and use this opportunity to check in! AND, this is the perfect opportunity to ask me questions about my online program or DBT generally before skills training commences in February.
Join me for a free Q&A session, so you have an opportunity to ask me anything you would like to know about Dialectical Behavior Therapy. I am also happy to answer questions about borderline personality disorder. This event is inclusive and those with lived experience, friends or family members, curious clinicians and any other interested people are welcome to attend. I am happy to cater to both beginners and to experienced participants, and believe open, transparent and respectful communication about these issues is essential in fighting stigma.
Please pre-submit questions or content of interest so I can do my best to meet your needs. Once you’ve submitted your ideas below, you will be redirected to the webinar registration page. All that you need to do is simply click the ‘Register Now’ button, and this will complete your sign up and ensure you receive the webinar access link to the live event. Anyone who registers below will get access to the replay recording for a week to allow plenty of opportunity to view my responses.
Looking forward to meeting you and having the opportunity to clarify what I can about DBT (and BPD)!
Join live, Wednesday 18th of January 7pm (AEDT)*.
*Australian Eastern Daylight Time. Viewing outside Australia? Click World Clock to view the equivalent time in your part of the world.